We have established a strong business network while representing a diverse roster of events, promoters, venues and artists. We offer a wide range of entertainment, marketing and event platforms to amplify the needs of our clients. We have access to major media channels specialising in Ireland.
Our goal is to maximize our client’s growth potential by providing specialised marketing services to expand their brand. We provide our clients with the opportunity to reduce their “to-do” list by enlisting us to handle our areas of expertise. Our mission is to give each client a unique experience through the entire project cycle.
We work to maintain a corporate culture, which reflects our values of high ethical standards, reliability and professionalism.
We specialise in creating and producing STAGE BACKDROPS
Gavin James matte poly stage back-drop 40ft x 20ft by Mainstage Design.
We use two types of material for our backdrops which are printed with a non-shine matte finish, to withstand the most chaotic of stage productions. We produce sizes that cater for small clubs right up to arena size backdrops and all are provided with fire-certed documentation.
We produce custom scrims for your bass/guitar amps. Using a special vinyl mesh, the custom printed scrim can be produced to any specifications and is not only lightweight but does not affect the sound from your cab.
Guitar / Bass cab custom printed scrim by Overdrive.
We can produce custom drum skins with your specific album art or band logo in 3 working days. We also cut the mic hole to your specifications.
Custom album design for your next release! Get in touch with us today and let us do what we do best!!
The music industry has changed a lot since the days of sending in a package with your music and a few photographs. Our electronic press kits (EPK’s) are custom designed to the artists individual style and overall identity. Get in touch with us today and get on the right path to being noticed by promoters, booking agents, music journalists, TV and radio, magazines and much more!
Present your music/venue/talent with our custom designed electronic press kits.
We can create a unique and memorable piece of art for your event, business, album launch, live show etc with a very special custom designed piece of art.
Custom design for Sin É Venue – Dublin © OVERDRIVE 2016
BLOODSTOCK OPEN AIR Metal 2 The Masses Ireland Final Artwork © OVERDRIVE 2016
Custom design for Restive Nation single launch ‘It’s just a skull’ © OVERDRIVE 2016
For more information and prices, please visit the official Mainstage Design website via this link. Follow/Like/Share Mainstage Design on Facebook by clicking here.
We look forward to working with you.